[Exposed] Muslims Idol Worshipers? Interesting Facts About Islam And Idolatry

Do you know what is shirk in Islam and Idolatry? In this article, we will be sharing some interesting facts about Islam and idolatry.

Everyone knows that Muslims do not worship Idols as Islam is against Idol worshiping. And according to the Quran, it is a sin to worship an Idol. It is called as ‘Shirk’. Those who worship Idols are called disbelievers “Kafirs”

But what if I tell you, that indirectly, every Muslim is doing Idolatry worship. Their actions and what is written in the Quran are both contradictory in itself. These are some of the interesting facts about Islam.

If you look around the world, you will find, these are mainly Hindus who are considered as Idol Worshipers.

What is Shirk in Islam? What does the Quran say about idolatry?

As they say, the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed over 1,400 years ago.

Shirk meaning in Islam is to refer to idolatry or polytheism, which means deification, or worship of deity, gods, or anything other than Allāh.

As per Quran, disbelievers (Hindus to be specific) fight for idols. It encourages Muslims to fight against those who worship idols.

‘Believers fight for the cause of Allah, while disbelievers do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil’ (Surah IV, verse 76).

‘Fight against them until idolatry is no more’ (II, 193).

‘Idolatry is worse than carnage’ (II, 217).

There are many verses like these which are even more aggressive and encourage Muslims to act against the Kafirs. I won’t go deeper in that direction, may be a topic for another day.

But if you look at the above verses, you can clearly see what kind of hatred is there for Idol Worshipers. This is when they do not understand what Idol Worshiping actually is. Perhaps, they are just looking at the physical aspect. Rather Idol Worshiping is a meta-physical thing.

What is an idol as per Hindus or Sanatan Dharma?

They may have their own definition of Idol Worship. Idols are nothing but forms of energies of the supreme being. Hindus do not worship Idols, they worship the form of the Supreme Being through Idols.

Idols are just a medium to worship the Ultimate. It is meant to worship the formless through form. 

यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्तः श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति ।
तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम्‌ ॥ BG: Ch 7, V 21

That is, whatever deity’s form a fruitful devotee wants to worship with devotion, I make that devotee’s faith stable towards that deity. 

स तया श्रद्धया युक्तस्तस्याराधनमीहते ।
लभते च ततः कामान्मयैव विहितान्हि तान्‌ ॥ BG: Ch 7, V 22

That man worships that deity with that devotion and without doubt receives those desired enjoyments from that deity which have been ordained by me.

There is a deeper science behind it which has evolved over thousands of years. One’s mind cannot imagine something which it has not seen, heard about or experienced. Human mind can only understand through emotions, feelings and virtues. 

Therefore, it needs a medium through which it can open up a dimension within to prepare itself in order to understand the Ultimate, the Omnipresent in different forms and gradually transcend towards the formless.

But that doesn’t mean those who pray to different deities through idols or any other ways, are disbelievers.

Muslims too are idol worshipers?

In fact, Muslims may consider themselves as non-idol worshipers. But in reality, each one of them is idol worshiping one way or the other. Especially the Indian Muslims.

Let’s see with some of the most common examples, you might have also observed in your day to day encounters.

The holy book ‘Quran’

Calling a book as sacred and following it word by word, as they consider it to be words of Allah. 

Means a form of Allah, similar to an idol. 

And they will even fight for it if someone disrespects it. Isn’t it fighting for an idol as mentioned in the Quran itself?

You must be aware of many incidents in the past couple of years, where some one quoted exactly from the book, but they didn’t like it and started the campaign of GUSTAKH E NABI KI EK SAZA SAR TAN SE JUDA SAR TAN SE JUDA. 

What is this? Are they not fighting for their idol, their sacred book in this case? So, isn’t it contradictory to what is mentioned in the Quran itself?

Walking around Kaaba 

When worshiping an idol is against Islam, then what Muslims do in Mecca?

Why do they respect so much and consider Kaaba as a holy shrine?

Why do they walk around Kaaba similar to what Hindus perform called Parikrama?

When no one else is worthy of worship other than Allah in Islam, then why are they giving so much importance to Kaaba and the pilgrimage to Kaaba?

It is said, muslims who are physically and financially capable should perform the Hajj once in a lifetime (pilgrimage to Kaaba). Many save up a lifetime to perform the Hajj while others rely on donations and charity to make the journey.

Muslims, during Hajj, walk in circles around the Kaaba seven times and recite prayers.

Kaaba is a physical thing which is considered sacred and holy. People worship it by doing a kind of parikrama. Isn’t it idol worshiping?

Zamzam in Mecca

In Mecca, there is a sacred well and its water is called Zamzam which is considered holy. 

When Islam is against praying physical matters like water, soil, trees, air, sun, moon, etc, then how is water from a well sacred and holy?

It is said that Zamzam is a great gift from Allah, that’s why it is holy. 

Isn’t water itself on this earth a gift from God. Not just that, everything on this earth is a gift from God. Then why one cannot worship all those gifts out of respect and devotion for God.

How come considering Zamzam holy is fine but others respecting all forms of nature are idol worshipers? 

Especially Hindus who worship rivers, how are they disbelievers?

Worshiping in a particular direction

Why is it important to pray in a particular direction? 

Whether Allah will accept prayer only in that direction? 

If they are worshiping the formless and who is everywhere, then worshiping in a particular direction becomes so much of importance?

As per Islam, Muslims pray in the direction of Kaaba which they consider as Holy.

Isn’t it a idol worshiping in the form of specific direction?

Hindus consider North East direction as the best one for worshiping, whom they call as idol worshipers.

Offering prayers on a mazar or dargah

A mazar is a shrine, tomb, grave, mausoleum. Generally, mazars are graves of muslim saints. 

In Islam, Muslims must not bow down to anyone other than Allah. Then how come, people go there and bow down in front of a grave of muslim saint?

Not just that people offer flowers, chaddar, sweets, etc on a mazar, just like Hindus make offerings to their deity which is idol worshiping.

Especially in India, you will see such mazars all over the place, be it Railway station, in the middle of the road, in the park, on Govt. land, public place, even on the flyovers. And not to name the famous ones, where Hindus also go and offer prayers. Everyone knows about them. That is a separate topic to discuss altogether.

But the point to make is, this is also a form of idol worshiping and why muslims still doing it?

Offering prayer ‘Namaz’

If Islam believes in Allah who does not have any form, shape and cannot be represented in the form of an Idol, then why do they have prayers in the form of words?

Isn’t it an oxymoron?

Praying, the one who cannot be explained in words, using words.

If the one who is being worshiped is formless, beyond explanation, then why do you need a prayer in the form of words? Shouldn’t the prayer itself be wordless?

Place of worship

If Idolatry is bad and not allowed in Islam, why do they have a place of worship at all? 

A place of worship is required where you are keeping the Idol of the Deity you are praying and that place becomes important, But if they do not worship an Idol at all then why a place to pray or worship is required at all? 

And if at all they have, then it should not be of importance that one would fight for it in case someone disrespects it or says anything about it. Or if required, should be removed to another place as per the requirement without any protest.

This problem can be seen especially in India and not in other Muslim countries.

Fighting for a Masjid or a Mazar is simply the same as fighting for an Idol.

In that way it again contradicts what Quran says, that only disbelievers fight for the Idols (form of God or Supreme Being).

Symbols of Islam

In Hinduism, there are many sacred signs such as Swastik, Om, and several Yantras for various purposes. 

In Islam too, you will find symbols or words which you will find with Muslims. If you visit any shop or house of a Muslim, you will find a corner at their place for worship and you will find those symbols in the form of a scroll or framed in the form of a picture. 

If the all pervasive Allah is formless, then what are these symbols for? And why those are considered holy, sacred or divine?

Islam is against Idolatry, then why are those symbols given importance and kept at the place of worship? Isn’t that a form of an Idol?

Following life of a Prophet as per Hadith

Hadith, Arabic Ḥadīth (“News” or “Story”), corpus of the sayings or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, revered by Muslims as a major source of religious law and moral guidance. Even in the Quran, it is mentioned to follow the Prophet through Hadith.

In Hinduism, there are Deities who are worshiped out of utmost respect and devotion, so that one can imbibe their values and character in one’s own life.

As Muslims follow Hadith and follow the practices mentioned in it. So, it is basically following the lifestyle of a human and his deeds. Isn’t it similar to praying and worshiping him?


I have given so many interesting facts about Islam which clearly indicate that there is a contradiction in what the Quran says and what Muslims follow in their daily life.

If we go into deeper analysis, we can find many more such facts. So the question to ask is how come they can claim to worship a formless God?

This analysis is not done to hurt any one’s sentiments but to analyze and understand the contradictions in what is being written and what is being followed.

Let me know if you know any other facts like these and share them in the comment section.

7 thoughts on “[Exposed] Muslims Idol Worshipers? Interesting Facts About Islam And Idolatry

  1. What an eye opener! Worth reading and based on facts which we look on daily basis but never thought about.

  2. This is decently detailed and practical, thanks. I enjoy how you cover points minus hyperbole. It’s useful insight and I deem you worth a follow.

  3. There is lot of misinterpretations and hiding of the facts in the Article. Since it is inappropriate to make it comprehensive in a single comment, still let me highlight few points here.

    “Fight against them until idolatry is no more”, it is if disbeliever are at war with muslims, We are being taught peaceful coexistence Quran (109:1-6) “To you be your Way, and to me mine.” There are many more verses in Quran which ask to make peace with disbelievers if they wish so, like Quran (43: 88-89). So no doubt Islam seeks peace.

    Muslim’s don’t follow Idol worship: We believe in The One (Allah),
    As you said Hindus consider idols a bridge or medium to worship God. But Muslims speak to Allah directly don’t consider any thing or person as medium.

    1. Quran – we respect it because it is a book of wisdom, word of Allah. We don’t worship it, not even ask for help from it or using it a medium, we recite it because its words are the chosen words of Allah full of wisdom and guidance.
    2. Walking around Kabaa – Muslims move together in one direction in a circular fashion to symbolize their belief in and worship of the one true God, Allah., and here Kabaa or Black stone is not considered idols, neither we worship it nor asked for help from it. For this one of Companions of Prophet SAW said
    “I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (pbuh) touching (and
    kissing) you, I would never have touched (and kissed) you.”
    `Umar ibn Al-Khattāb, Caliph
    Born c.583 CE Died 3 November 644 CE
    3. Direction: Just make it uniform across the world, so that there is no confusion upon where to face for prayers, as said above Kabaa is not being worshipped
    4. Zamzam: Special water, which has a rich history, again just water, not being worship, or asked for help.
    5. Offering Namaz: We genuinely feel to be standing in-front of Allah, recite the words given by Allah through Quran only. so words or Quran is not being worshiped here but Allah is being worshiped with the best words possible given by Allah Himself.
    6. Flag/Symbol – Just for identity, not being worshiped or asked for help.
    7. Life of the Prophet [PBUH], Prophet is the only human who completely followed the commandments of Allah given through Quran or Angels (Wahi). Any act/behaviour of the Prophet is considered best and complete which and the way Allah wishes us to perform like, so Prophet’s SAW actions/sayings are considered as Sunnah and Muslims try to follow them, by doing that we would be performing that act in best possible way.

    8: Mazars – controversial, if people go to mazar and seek Allahs blessing and help through the Peers or Mazars, yes it is Shirk. But it is strictly prohibited in Quran to make any equals to Allah.

    Conclusion: Islam teaches peaceful coexistence with other religions. And strictly prohibits the Shirk (Making equals to Allah). Quran (1:5) “You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help”, this single verse makes it clear there is no space of Idol worship, Shirk.

    1. The befitting reply by you to those who just wants to defame the Islam by misinterpreting the verses of Qura’n and life of Prophet Mohammad(peace and blessings be upon him). I would request the writer of the content to go through how idol worship started.

  4. I’ve never thought about it that way! Your perspective challenges conventional wisdom. It’s refreshing to see someone question the status quo.

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